Tribes: Ascend/Marauder

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General Information
Armor Heavy
Health Pool 2,400
Health Regen Delay 20 seconds
Energy Pool 80
Energy Regen Rate 9/s
Walk Speed 6 m/s
Mass 130 kg
Tribes Gold N/A
Mastery N/A

"The Marauder is designed for mass suppression, firing a mortar-like projectile that does wide area damage."

The Marauder is one of the six armor classes that was not released. The only information available is about this class is a collage of photographs taken at Pax 2011, showing the class info. What we know is that it is a heavy offensive class. The weapons that were going to be given to the Marauder were instead given to the Doombringer and Juggernaut as unlockable items.


Armor Heavy
Primary Weapon MIRV Launcher
Secondary Weapon X1 Rifle
Pack Personal Force Field
Belt Spinfusor Disc