Tribes: Ascend/Extended Fractal

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Fractal Grenade

Loadout/Class Brute
Slot Belt
Type Grenade
Fire Rate 0.20 seconds
Manual Reload Time 0 seconds
Build Up Time 0.7 seconds
Projectile Speed 24 m/s
Projectile Live Time 6.5 seconds
Projectile Hitbox 0.84 meters
Splash Radius 6 meters (6.6 meters/7.26 meters)
Ammo 1 (2)
Upgrade 1 +1 ammo
Upgrade 2 +10% radius
Upgrade 3 +20% damage versus armored
Upgrade 4 +1 ammo
Gold 80
XP 4,500
Mastery Cost (XP) 3,750

"This Fractal Grenade has a slightly longer duration, but does less damage per blast."

The Extended Fractal is an unlockable belt item for the Brute, and a variant of the Fractal Grenade, dealing slightly less damage, but lasting one second longer. When thrown, the grenade will rise 1.8 meters off the ground in the span of 1 second, and begin firing lasers in random directions. A laser is fired every 0.20 seconds for a total duration of 4.50 seconds.

Damage Table

Below are the damage values for the Extended Fractal. The grenade fires 23 lasers. When the grenade dies, it explodes, doing 1500 damage.

Base Damage Total Damage
Base Damage 350 8,050 (350 x 23)
Beowulf 0 0
Deployables 350 8,050 (350 x 23)
Generator 0 0
Grav Cycle 0 0
Player 350 8,050 (350 x 23)
Sensor 0 0
Shrike 0 0
Turret 0 0
Splash Damage 175 - 350 4,025 - 8,050


The Extended Fractal has a 20% speed inheritence, with a base speed of 24 m/s, a maximum speed of 32 m/s, regardless of the inherited speed, and a terminal velocity of 140 m/s.

Kick Strength

The Extended Fractal has an impulse strength of 5,000 m/s applied to players hit by its laser, and a multiplier of 1.2 for self-inflicted damage.


  • Internally the Extended Fractal is named the Spike Grenade MKD.