Tribes: Ascend/Accolades
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Accolades are given out during a match in Tribes: Ascend when the player completes a certain objective. They are an award to encourage proper game play, though not all are positive. At the end of a match, the player can see all of the accolades earned. Accolades are given out for completing offensive objectives, defensive objectives, and having killing streaks.
Bench Em
This accolade is earned by killing a player on his last life in a round. Credits earned: 200 |
Double Down
This accolade is earned by being the last man standing against two opponents, and win the round. Credits earned: 2,000 |
Final Blow
This accolade is earned for getting the last kill. Credits earned: 500 |
Last Man Standing
This accolade is earned by being the final living player on your team in a round. Credits earned: 200 |
This accolade is earned by being the last man standing against five or more opponents, and win the round. Credits earned: 10,000 |
Not Among Equals
This accolade is earned by being the last man standing against three opponents, and win the round. Credits earned: 4,000 |
One Man Army
This accolade is earned by being the last man standing against four opponents, and win the round. Credits earned: 6,000 |
Tribal Honor
This accolade is earned by being the last man standing against a full team of opponents. Credits earned: 200 |
United We Stand
This accolade is earned by winning a round without having any team members benched. Credits earned: 1,000 |
Capture and Hold
Capture and Hold
This accolade is earned by successfully capturing and holding a Control Point.Credits earned: 200 |
Hold the Line
This accolade is earned by successfully defending a Control Point for 15 seconds.Credits earned: 100 |
Capture the Flag
Base Repair
This accolade is earned by using a repair tool either normal or improved on a damaged asset (generator, turret, sensor, or friendly deployables). The player must repair 10 percent to receive a single accolade, and multiple repair accolades may be earned while repair a single asset. Credits earned: 25 |
Bike Down
This accolade is earned by destroying a Grav Cycle. Credits earned: 200 |
Capture Assist
This accolade is earned by helping to capture the enemy's flag. (This does not show up on the accolades page of the end-game stats.) Credits earned: 1,000 |
This accolade is earned by grabbing the enemy's flag when the opponents are about to capture your team's flag. Credits earned: 500 |
Flag Capture
This accolade is earned by taking the enemy's flag to your flag at the flag stand (capturing the enemy's flag). You get half of the credit amount if there was a capture assist. Credits earned: 2,000 |
Flag Defender
This accolade is earned by killing an enemy in the vicinity of the flag stand. Credits earned: 300 |
Flag Grab
This accolade is earned by grabbing the enemy's flag from the stand. Credits earned: 200 |
Flag Return
Gener Defender
This accolade is earned by killing an enemy in the vicinity of the generator. Credits earned: 200 |
This accolade is earned by destroying the enemy's generator. This can also be earned by significantly helping damage the generator and having a teammate finish it off. Credits earned: 500 |
Gotta Go Fast
This accolade is earned by grabbing the enemy's flag off the stand at a remarkable speed. (175 KM/h+) Credits earned: 300 |
High Speed Grab
This accolade is earned by grabbing the enemy's flag off the stand at a high speed. (135 KM/h+) Credits earned: 250 |
This accolade is earned every 2 minutes that a Base Radar or Generator that you upgraded remains online. Credits earned: 200 |
Llama Grab
This accolade is earned by grabbing the flag at close to walking speed. (Less than 40 KM/h) Credits earned: 150 |
Radar Down
This accolade is earned by destroying the enemy's sensor. This can also be earned by significantly helping damage the sensor and having a teammate finish it off. Credits earned: 200 |
Road Kill
This accolade is earned by killing an enemy with a. Credits earned: 100 |
Shrike Down
This accolade is earned by destroying a Shrike. Credits earned: 700 |
Tank Down
This accolade is earned by destroying a Beowulf. Credits earned: 500 |
Turret Down
This accolade is earned by destroying an enemy's turret. This can also be earned by significantly helping damage the turret and having a teammate finish that turret off. Credits earned: 200 |
Turret Support
This accolade is earned if a Base Turret you upgraded gets a kill. Credits earned: 200 |
Vehicle Assist
This accolade is earned by a vehicle's passenger killing an opponent. Credits earned: 250 |
Rabbit (Custom servers only)
This accolade is earned by killing an enemy while you have the flag. Credits earned: 500 |
Final Blow
This accolade is earned for getting the last kill. Credits earned: 500 |
Rabbit Season
This accolade is earned by killing the flag carrier. Credits earned: 200 |
Team Deathmatch
Final Blow
This accolade is earned for getting the last kill. Credits earned: 500 |
Flag Held
This accolade is earned by holding the flag for 10 seconds. Credits earned: 100 |
Flag Killer
This accolade is earned by killing the flag carrier. Credits earned: 250 |
Flag Take
This accolade is earned by grabbing the flag. Credits earned: 250 |
Killing Spree
This accolade is earned by getting 5 kills in a row without dying, any weapons may be used. Credits earned: 300 |
This accolade is earned by 10 kills in a row without dying, any weapons may be used. Credits earned: 500 |
This accolade is earned by getting 15 kills in a row without dying, any weapons may be used. Credits earned: 1000 |
This accolade is earned by getting 20 kills in a row without dying, any weapons may be used. Credits earned: 2000 |
The Slayer
This accolade is earned by getting 25 kills in a row without dying, any weapons may be used. Credits earned: 3000 |
Classic Spree
This accolade is earned by getting 5 kills in a row without dying, any type of Spinfusor may be used. Credits earned: 300 |
Disc Jockey
This accolade is earned by getting 10 kills in a row without dying, any type of Spinfusor may be used. Credits earned: 500 |
Tribal Fanatic
This accolade is earned by getting 15 kills in a row without dying, any type of Spinfusor may be used. Credits earned: 1,000 Upon achieving this accolade, an announcement is broadcast, "<Player> is a Tribal Fanatic." |
Explosive Spree
This accolade is earned by getting 5 kills in a row without dying, any explosive weapon may be used. Credits earned: 300 |
Demolitions Expert
This accolade is earned by getting 10 kills in a row without dying, any explosive weapon may be used. Credits earned: 500 |
Hurt Locker
Sniping Spree
This accolade is earned by getting 5 kills in a row without dying, only the sniper rifles may be used. Credits earned: 300 |
This accolade is earned by getting 10 kills in a row without dying, only the sniper rifles may be used. Credits earned: 500 |
Double Kill
This accolade is earned by getting two kills in quick succession. Credits earned: 500 |
Triple Kill
This accolade is earned by getting three kills in quick succession. Credits earned: 1000 |
Quatra Kill
This accolade is earned by getting four kills in quick succession. Credits earned: 2000 |
Ultra Kill
This accolade is earned by getting five kills in quick succession. Credits earned: 3000 |
Team Kill
This accolade is earned by getting six kills in quick succession. Credits earned: 4000 |
This accolade is earned by killing an enemy after you have been killed. This is usually earned when you martyrdom a grenade before death or a Technician's turret getting kills. Credits earned: 200 |
Air Mail
This accolade is earned by killing an enemy in midair with an explosive. Credits earned: 200 |
Artillery Strike
This accolade is earned by killing an enemy with the Fusion Mortar from a distance. Credits earned: 500 |
This accolade is earned by doing damage to an enemy, and a teammate finishes that enemy off. Credits earned: 250 |
Blue Plate Special
This accolade is earned by killing an enemy in midair with any type of Spinfusor. Credits earned: 200 |
First Blood
This accolade is earned by getting the first kill in a match. Credits earned: 500 |
First Win of the Day
This accolade is earned by winning your first match of the day. XP earned: 1200 |
Head Shot
This accolade is earned by killing an enemy with a blow to the head. Credits earned: 200 |
Hot Air
This accolade is earned by getting a mid-air kill with the Plasma Cannon or Plasma Gun. Credits earned: 150 |
Martial Art
This accolade is earned by killing an enemy with melee. Credits earned: 200 |
No Joy
This accolade is earned by killing an enemy who has a kill streak. Credits earned: 300 |
This accolade is earned by killing the enemy that was the last one to kill you. Credits earned: 300 |
Round Completed
This accolade is earned by playing a match of Tribes: Ascend. Credits earned: 1,000 |
Round Completed - Victory
This accolade is earned by winning a match. Credits earned: 500 |
Sticky Kill
This accolade is earned by killing an enemy with an attached grenade. Credits earned: 200 |
Round Completed - Defeat
This accolade is earned by losing a match. |
This accolade was found in the files. It looks like it's a silver accolade for Final Blow. Maybe second to last kill? |
This accolade was found in the files. It looks like it's a new accolade for First Win of the Day. |
Hi-Rez forum post by Cyberlink on Accolades