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Revision as of 16:42, 6 May 2013 by Te-krogoth (talk | contribs) (Documentation for the vehicle info box)
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Full syntax

|title              =
|image              =
|health             =
|energy             =
|speed              =
|speedboost         =
|passengers         =
|type1              =
|firerate1          =
|reloadtime1        =
|warmuptime1        =
|lockontime1        =
|lockondistance1    =
|projectilespeed1   =
|projectilehitbox1  =
|falloffrange1      =
|splashradius1      =
|clipsize1          =
|ammo1              =
|type2              =
|firerate2          =
|reloadtime2        =
|warmuptime2        =
|lockontime2        =
|lockondistance2    =
|projectilespeed2   =
|projectilehitbox2  =
|falloffrange2      =
|splashradius2      =
|clipsize2          =
|ammo2              =
|credits            =

==Syntax guide==
|title              = Beowulf
|image              = [[Image:TA_Vehicle_Beowulf.png|250px]]
|health             = 8000
|energy             = 80
|speed              = 15 m/s
|speedboost         = 18.75 m/s
|passengers         = 1
|type1              = Cannon
|firerate1          = 
|reloadtime1        =
|warmuptime1        =
|lockontime1        =
|lockondistance1    =
|projectilespeed1   = 180 m/s
|projectilelivetime1= 8 seconds
|projectilehitbox1  = 0.84 meters
|falloffrange1      =
|splashradius1      = 15 meters
|clipsize1          = 1
|ammo1              = Infinite
|type2              = Chain Gun
|firerate2          = 
|reloadtime2        = 4 seconds
|warmuptime2        =
|lockontime2        =
|lockondistance2    =
|projectilespeed2   = 360 m/s
|projectilelivetime2= 1 second
|projectilehitbox2  = 1 meter
|falloffrange2      =
|splashradius2      =
|clipsize2          = 100
|ammo2              = Infinite
|credits            = 2,500

; title: The full name of the vehicle.

; image: An image of the vehicle. To avoid stretching the Infobox overlarge, avoid using images with a width greater than 250 pixels. Where possible use 250px, as it gives the best fit. Wiki: <tt><nowiki>[[Image:name.ext|250px]]

; health:  How big the health pool is.

; energy: How big the energy pool is.

; speed: How fast the vehicle can go.

; speedboost: How fast the vehicle can go with the booster active.

; type#: The type of weapon. i.e. Disc, plasma, SMG, etc...

; firerate#: The rate at which this weapon fires.

; reloadtime#: The amount of time needed for the weapon to reload.

; warmuptime#: The amount of time required for the weapon begins firing.

; lockontime#: The amount of time required for the weapon to obtain a lock on to a target.

; lockondistance#: The maximum distance that the weapon is able to lock on to a target.

; projectilespeed#: The speed at which the weapon's projectile travels.

; projectilelivetime#: The amount of time that a projectile can travel before it is killed by the game.

; projectilehitbox#: The size of the hitbox of the projectile. Basically, how far the projectile can miss, yet still hit the target.

; falloffrange#: The amount of distance the projectile must travel before its damage begins to fall off.

; splashradius#: The radius length of the projectile's splash.

; clipsize#: The amount of ammunition the clip can hold.

; ammo#: The amount of ammunition the weapon can carry.

; credits: The amount of credits required to buy the vehicle.