Tribes: Ascend/Shotgun

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Loadout/Class Light Armor
Slot Short Range
Type Bullet / Spread / Hitscan
Fire Rate 1 per second
Manual Reload Time 0.6 seconds per shell
Auto Reload Time 0.95 seconds
Projectile Speed Hitscan
Fall Off Range 50 meters
Magazine Size 4
Ammo 32
Gold 160
XP 12,000
Mastery Cost (XP) Locked

"The Shotgun fires 9 shots in a single blast that spread out in a set, nonrandom, pattern."

The Shotgun is one of the three shotgun variations in Tribes: Ascend, and is an unlockable weapon for the Light Armor.

Damage Table

Below are the damage values for the Shotgun. The Shotgun fires 9 pellets.

Base Damage
Base Damage 64
Beowulf 288 (32 x 9)
Deployables 576 (64 x 9)
Generator 576 (64 x 9)
Grav Cycle 288 (32 x 9)
Player 576 (64 x 9)
Sensor 576 (64 x 9)
Shrike 288 (32 x 9)
Turret 576 (64 x 9)
Falloff Damage 288 (32 x 9) - 576 (64 x 9)


The Shotgun is a hitscan weapon, meaning that as long as the crosshair is on the target, it will hit instantly.