Blood Eagle

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Blood Eagle image from the manual

“There's one simple rule in war: Win and live, or lose and die. If the other tribes are too weak, we'll carve the blood eagle on their sorry carcasses and carry the remains as banners into battle.”

~ Brakus D'Vehne, Blood Eagle Talon Prime


The Blood Eagle claim descent from an Order of Imperial Knights sent to conquer the tribes long ago. They maintain a formal military hierarchy marked by byzantine politics. Rumors say they maintain contact, perhaps even trade, with the Empire. Blood Eagle technology is the most advanced of any tribe.

In combat, the Blood Eagle are unmatched for sheer ferocity. They use the flayed bodies of fallen enemies as banners, follow a scorched earth strategy, and never accept or offer surrender. Despite their brutality, they follow a rigorous code of honor and are the most courteous of hosts during a parley. They never break their sworn word. Never.

Blood Eagle forces are precisely organized into Pennants, which are in turn broken down into divisions called Talons. Talons are divided into Squads. Most units use colorful titles, for example, the Second Pennant, Third Talon, is known within the Blood Eagle as "the Eviscerator Talon of the Wolfslayer Pennant."

On the Starwolf

"Don't waste my time. I have a wolfskin rug in my quarters."

On the Diamond Sword

"Words make poor weapons. The sandrakers pose little threat with their mumblings."

On the Children of the Phoenix

"Dreamers easily placated with honeyed words. Beware, though, for they fight almost as well as we do."

On the Empire

"We remember our roots, and the Empire respects our strength. It's enough... for now."

On lesser tribes

"Target practice."

On Immortals

"Give me a break. My plascannon says no one's immortal."