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Starsiege Patch to Version 1.004

Notes on MODs and Hacking

There has been some confusion about MODs and Hacking. Starsiege is a very open-ended game system there are hundreds of thousands of changes and customizations that you can make and set up your own MODed servers. Dynamix strongly encourages such activity. Hacking is when someone circumvents the settings on a server generally giving themselves an unfair advantage on the battle field. This activity is STRONGLY frowned upon by Dynamix.

This patch addresses the following:

  • Integrated terrain and interior changes to work around some OpenGL driver architectures. These changes considerably improve performance on TNT and TNT2 based boards. Due to the nature of these changes there are some operations in the mission editor that behave strangely, namely pinning. I recommend pinning be done using Glide or Software mode.
  • VTlist supports volumes with more that 1024 files.
  • Fixed a hack that allowed vehicles to turn faster than normal.
  • Fixed firing arc blind spot (introduced in v1.003).
  • Fixed a pinning bug that would cause the mission editor to crash.
  • Fixed drop-down combo boxes in the mission editor.
  • Fixed the inability to name simobjects.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when saving a mission several times in a single session.
  • Fixed bad HTML link in mission_editor_readme.html
  • Fixed bug where you could not name some objects in the mission editor.
  • By default these vehicles are now enabled:
Platinum Adjudicator
Platinum Executioner
Harabec's Predator
  • Fixed IRC based attack which would cause everyone in a given channel to crash.
  • Chat wav files with no associated text now show up as
"player: (no text)"
  • Chat wave files longer than 15 seconds are automatically ignored.
  • Added ability to Ignore the chat from specific players. To activate this feature assign a key/button to 'Ignore target chat on/off' in the keymap editor under options. To ignore a player select them as your target, pressing the key once will ignore your target, pressing the key again will turn ignore off for that target.
  • Added ability to stop/flush all chrrent chat sounds. To activate this feature assign a key/button to 'Flush Chat Sound Files' in the keymap editor under options.
  • New console command ignorePlayer(id, true/false); has been added. This can be used to block the chat of any player. To get the ID of a player use playerList();
  • The network protocol has been enhanced in v1.004. All vehicle data is now downloaded from the server. This addresses all the security issues that arose after releasing the mission editor and script source.
  • Added checks to ensure that players cannot use hacked numbers for combat value, vehicle weight, etc to lower team values in value based matches.
  • Changed hotchatting to work correctly. If you do not have a target, chats that go to 'target team' or 'target player' do not work. This means that only 'Vape em!', which is 'your team' targetted is the only hotchat to play without a target in the default hotchats.
  • By default the servers will only allow version 1.004 or greater clients to attach and play. You can override this by setting the console variable $allowOldClients=true; By doing so you negate the enhancements of the 1.004 server network protocol and are open to some client side hacks. You can reverse the process by setting the variable to false.
  • Team damage now defaults to off.
  • Radiation guns no longer can be used to team kill for 'free'.
  • Removed the ability of many cheat commands in multiplayer(AllowWeapon, etc). The Server can access these for the purposes of setting up mods with FocusServer();

Known Issue:

  • Vehicle parameters are not reset between multiplayer sessions. So if you play a modded 1.004 server then join a 1.003 server your vehicle may retain some of the 1.004 server vehicle attributes. The solution is to upgrade the server to v1.004.